Collaboration among communities of faith

The West Island and Riverside United Churches (WIRUC) Cluster worships together multiple times per year and throughout the summer, hosted by a different community each week. You’re invited to participate!

Des communautés de foi en collaboration

Le regroupement des églises unies de l’ouest de l’île et Riverside (WIRUC) se retrouvent plusieurs fois par an, et pendant l’été, pour des célébrations communes. Vous êtes invité.e.s à participer !

WIRUC in photos

God loves queer people.

We’re sharing this video here to let the world know that God is love, and that God loves people of all sexualities and genders.

The idea that all Canadian churches are hostile to the queer community is simply false, as these ministers and Moderators of the major denominations make clear.

So what can you do? Contact your local politicians and let them know you do not condone hatred against queer people.

Find out more about each community